PMC Emergency Directory
The Pine Mountain Club Emergency Directory is a valuable resource that provides members and guests with various options to address natural disasters, traffic, and medical emergencies. This service ensures that individuals are well-prepared to handle any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.
First Responders
Emergencies: 9-1-1
PMC Fire Station: (661) 242-3702
Kern County Sheriff: (661) 861-3110
Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
PMC Patrol: (661) 556-1685
Bakersfield Memorial Hospital:
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital:
Hall Ambulance:
Weather & Traffic
PMC weather & roads:
CHP Traffic Accidents:
(661) 334-3913/864-4444
(weekends, 864-4400)
CHP Road Conditions/Highway Info:(800) 427-7623
Electrical Outage/Powerline:
US Forest Service:
Additional Resources
PMCPOA Radio Safety Net Program
Call (661) 241-3754
Call (661) 763-2474
Call (661) 242-3230
Pine Mountain Club Community Emergency Response
PMC Patrol Commander